Lamp of learning still shines while district considers new logo

The Georgetown County School District has a design for a new logo, but no timetable yet for adoption.
The current logo is divided into four quadrants with intricate drawings representing the areas of the district, surrounded by words and leaves and topped by a lamp of learning.
The proposed logo has large intertwined block letters – GCSD – with the words Georgetown County School District below. It was designed by Three Ring Focus in Myrtle Beach.

The current logo features the lamp of learning.
“It’s certainly easier to duplicate,” Superintendent Randy Dozier said.
“I think the simpler the better,” Board Member Mike Cafaro said. “I think it’s great.”
“I think I could have done that in about five minutes,” Board Member Richard Kerr said.
The issue of a new logo was first broached of last year.
“The logo has always been kind of a curiosity, for lack of a better word,” Dozier told the school board at a meeting in February 2018. “I asked [my] cabinet the other day to explain it to me, and nobody could tell me what it represented.”
The district paid Three Ring Focus $1,500 to come up with several options.