Land use
Staff poised to approve townhouse plan

A townhouse development on Petigru Drive is poised to received conceptual approval from Georgetown County planning staff.
But that could change if additional public comment is received today.
The 46-unit Sweet Grass West plan is the first to be approved since the county changed its process to eliminate site plan review by the Planning Commission and County Council for multi-family developments that already comply with existing zoning.
The staff now reviews the plans for compliance with county regulations and makes the final decision. It also solicits public input, which had been done through a hearing before the commission.
For Sweet Grass West, the public comment period ends at 5 p.m. The staff will present its report to the commission at its 5:30 p.m. meeting. No action is required by the commission.
One group that plans to comment is Keep It Green, which has brought three lawsuits over townhouse project approvals in the Parkersville area.
“There’s all kinds of opposition from the adjoining landowners,” said Cindy Person, chief counsel for Keep It Green Advocacy. “The number one reason is it’s a high density proposal in a medium density area.”
The project meets the current zoning and is eight units an acre less than the ordinance would allow on the 8-acre site, said Holly Richardson, the county planning director.
About a dozen comments were received by Tuesday. Richardson said she tried to address those in her report to the commission. Copies will also be sent to those who submitted comments.
The project still has to receive other approvals, such as stormwater permits, before work can start.
The staff decision can also be appealed to the commission within 15 days.